Love In India: A checklist

Posted on December 12, 2012 by


India to many people is a complex country. Such a multitude of people and cultures all around confuses them. But to lovers it is definitely the most confusing country in the world. In India a couple can’t just love each other if they want to and stay together. There is often a plethora of people and situations they have to think about.

Even before falling in love people start to calculate different factors that will crop up in the future. Religion? Check. Caste? Check. Gotra(sub-caste)? Check. Educational background? Check. Family background? Check. Language? Check. Looks(Girls should be fair)? Check. After all these checks are done one has to still talk to the family? EEEEEESSSHHH!!!!! Now that is a really big list, isn’t it? And looking at it again there are no factors over which any couple has any control. All the factors are depended on fate.

Yet these factors are often more important than the question that whether the couple to be like each other or not? It is not uncommon to hear the news of couples being forced to separate due to parents’ wishes. Even people as young as 16 or 17 are found going through this checklist if they fall in for somebody. Why is it so? Why as a society can’t we accept that if two people like each other genuinely and that if they are emotionally fit for each other we allow them to be? Why do these external factors over which we have no control be deciders as to whether a relationship can go all the way or not?

It is true that sometimes people make wrong choices in the heat of love but those wrong choices cannot be attributed to factors over which people have no control. In this age where information is breaking all barriers and communication is pan-global does it make sense to be burdened by such factors and lists over which we have no command? Why can’t two people be allowed to enjoy the pleasures of the most beautiful feeling in this world without attaching riders?

This question is today posed at the Indian society in general. Till we can’t answer it let us go through the list:






Mother tongue

Family background



Last and sometimes the least, whether the girl and boy like each other or not?

Posted in: Opinion